
Darkness N.

| Likes and dislikes |

| Likes |
Making potions (like: Freeze[ice], lava[fire], acid, laser, death, void, anti-void, love, and errors.) Likes being outside in the trees (nature). Likes using his weapons and tasting things (like windows, the ground, and even people). One thing he really likes, is blowing things up [In Rp]

| Dislikes |
People calling him names. People taking his potions. Water (water mass like: oceans, pools, lakes, and house sinks, potions with water, water weapons[guns] etc ). Doesn't like it when people cut down trees or break his things.

| Facts and Stuff |

A Black figure with a tinpot on there head, who seems to be a robot with cores
Gender: male
Arm seems to change into different colors (hmm)
Talks to himself? (ex: [-] [=] [x])

| Friends List |